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Frugal Date Night Ideas That Are Actually Fun!

Being stuck inside, whether it be due to the polar vortex that we are in right now, or quarantine, or whatever the reason - makes it really hard to focus on your significant other and make date night a priority!

Let's add being on a super tight budget as well...and well, all that means - we aren't putting the time and effort into our partnership that we need to be.

Relationships are hard. Making time for each other and spending alone time together is important and it needs to be a priority! My grandparents, pictured above, were married for basically their entire lives. While they had struggles - they stuck it out. And I have the fondest of memories of them being together and spending time with the two of them playing Upwords and Scrabble and Rummy! Those are some of my favorite memories! I can only hope for my marriage to be as long lasting as what theirs was. So, I know that making time for each other needs to be more of a priority. Especially, under stressful times like what we are in now.

Here are some of our FAVORITE and frugal date night ideas that you can do for very little to NO money and are actually fun!

Board Games

Playing board games and card games have always been a go-to for us. We have been loving Yahtzee! lately! We keep our game inventory plentiful. Not only do Clint and I love games - the kids have grown up in that environment and also love a good family game night!

Cook a Meal Together

I am the cook in the relationship. But several years ago, Clint surprised and gifted me with a partner cooking class several years ago. It was so much fun. I absolutely loved spending that kind of time with him. So, that is something that we would love to do at home when we have kid coverage and could actually focus on the meal, spending time together, and each other.

Homemade Pizza and a Movie

Going off of the cooking a meal together...maybe that meal is homemade pizza. Which costs only about $2-5 to make yourself at home!!! Did you know that?!?! It crazy cheap! We love doing homemade pizza and sitting down for a movie night together!

Livingroom Picnic

Again - feeding off of the previous suggestion - maybe that homemade pizza that you made together gets eaten in the living room, while you watch a movie together?! That's honestly, a pretty standard date night for us! LOL.


This is something we have surprisingly not done before. We have a pool in our backyard. And I think an amazing date night in the summer would be a midnight swim under the stars!! That sounds so fun and romantic to me! Even if you don't have a pool, maybe just laying a blanket out in the backyard would work for you.

Cuddle Time by the Fire

This works for us whether it be in the winter and inside by the fireplace or in the late summer or fall outside by the fire-pit. I absolutely love having a fire going. I love the smell, the ambiance, the warmth it brings. I think it sets such a romantic feel. Maybe add a glass of wine or a bottle of beer or whatever your drink of choice might be!

Go for a Walk Together

This is actually something we used to do every evening back in the early days of our marriage. We used to go for a walk together with the dogs. Mainly, for the dogs. LOL. But sitting here thinking of some of the ways I love to spend alone time with Clint - that memory popped up in my head. I actually miss doing that and we should definitely add this to our own personal list of date-night to-dos!

Make a Couples Bucket List

After some of these ideas, maybe one night you sit down together and make a list of all the date-night ideas you both would love to do! There are so many other ideas out there!! In fact, I actually teamed up with a bunch of other amazing bloggers to bring you even more AWESOME ideas!!! And seriously - most of their ideas put me to shame! HAHA! But that's OK! Be sure to check them all out!!!

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1 Comment

Jamiee Diaz
Jamiee Diaz
Feb 11, 2021

These are such great Ideas, thank you!

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